Find a Blueberry Farm

Blueberry Season

The picking of highbush blueberries usually takes place from mid-July to mid-August. During that period, this page will be updated daily. We recommend that you visit it on the day you intend to head to the blueberry farm beforehand and that you call them beforehand.

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Fun for the picking

The site called "this website") is owned by the non-profit organization Club conseil du corymbe(hereinafter called "C.C.C."). By using this website, you acknowledge having read, understood and accepted the conditions described below. These conditions can be modified at any time. Use of this website is governed by laws applicable in the province of Quebec.

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The C.C.C., its administrators, its staff, its members and the web design crew can not be held responsible for damage presented as resulting from the use of the site All information presented on this website are valid at the time they are collected and may change without warning. If errors exist, we thank you for advising the Club Conseil du Corymbe as soon as possible so that we proceed to the correction. The geolocalization errors on the Google Maps are outside the purview of the C.C.C..


The photographs illustrating each of the blueberry farms belong to the owners of these farms. Photographs of the Home page and the Highbush Blueberries page belong to the photographer Jacques Jaillet ( It is prohibited to copy, download and print these photos for purposes other than personal, non-commercial use without the permission of their owners.

Apart from the pictures, all text, logos, designs, graphics, images, information, documents and other materials that appear on the site, as well as the selection, arrangement and display of these materials, are the properties of C.C.C.. Users of this website are permitted by the C.C.C. to view, copy, download and print these items only if they are used for personal, non-commercial use.


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